How Philanthropists Can Have the Most Impact on Climate Change

In the past, philanthropists have had little impact on climate change. Only 2% of all philanthropy goes to climate-related organizations. But now with increasing greenhouse gas emissions and rising global temperatures, the threat of a changing climate is becoming more pressing than ever. It’s not even enough to donate to environmental charities; funders need to be involved in both scalable solutions as well as projects that help mitigate the effects of climate change.

The Funding Gap

VCs and impact investors eagerly invest in climate tech and ag-tech startups. What's missing is non-dilutive capital to fund systems-level research and market development projects. Current research in regenerative agriculture is lacking. For example, studies on soil sequestration are not significant enough and there has been little market development for regenerative food and fiber.

Current Philanthropic Models Are Less Than Perfect

To avoid the duplication of effort that often occurs with researchers and innovators compete against each other for limited grant resources, we recommend a completely different approach to philanthropy. One that starts from climate goals - first principles, systems-based approach.

Measuring Climate Philanthropy

We are developing Return on Impact (ROIM), a metric to more accurately track and measure climate philanthropy. We believe this expansion of strategic giving will benefit millions of people, especially those likely to be impacted by climate change.

Every Philanthropist is a Climate Philanthropist

Even if not a core funding priority for a foundation or Donor Advised Fund, it’s worthwhile for every philanthropist to consider funding high-ROIM climate projects. Without a livable planet, what's the point of donating to youth art programs or giving money to educational institutions? Climate philanthropy aids these other worthwhile causes and endeavors. As the head of an education foundation put it, "Without a livable planet, all our other philanthropy is rendered useless."


Climate Legacy Fund: The only platform that matches philanthropists with game-changing climate solutions