Special Bonus For Reversing Climate Change Podcast Listeners: A Sneak Peek inside the Magnetic Pitch Method

Hi! I’m Neesha. It was so much fun to chat with Ross, Asa, and Siobhan on the Reversing Climate Change - podcast…Did you enjoy the episode? Send me your thoughts on it. I’d love to know what landed for you and what didn’t.

I’m on a mission to make it much easier for climate impact entrepreneurs to access the capital and customers they need to fund their important work.

The following video is part of the Magnetic Pitch Sprint where we help startups answer six questions that most investors ask during their due diligence process.

The Magnetic Pitch Method answers the 6 key questions investors ask before they make a yes/no decision:

Sneak Peek of One of the Trainings:

The second question in our 6-Part Magnetic Pitch Framework is: “What’s the Market?”

We start by looking at the problem we’re solving and customer needs. It sounds easy enough, but I’ve seen this one trip up even the most savvy founders. It’s easy to talk the talk, but very hard to walk the walk. Even I struggle with this one! Let’s dive in, shall we?

Ready to take your pitch from MEH to MAGNETIC?  Join the waitlist to be notified when we open applications.

If you’re a visionary philanthropist or investor, and you’d like to deploy capital to exponentially increase the speed of innovation in climate, get in touch.

There are many unfunded and underfunded projects that need catalytic capital and the climate clock is ticking.

The approach we recommend:

  • Filter, then focus on the most leveraged opportunities.

  • Move fast but first make sure we’re pointed in the right direction.

  • Use the power of network effects whenever possible.